Threat Database Fake Warning Messages 'Please Install the New Video Player' Pop-Up

'Please Install the New Video Player' Pop-Up

By GoldSparrow in Fake Warning Messages

'Please Install the New Video Player' is a bogus pop-up alert that may be used to drop and install a variety of potential computer infections incorporating PUPs (potentially unwanted programs), adware and browser hijackers on a PC. If the phony 'Please Install the New Video Player' Pop-Up notification is shown on the PC, this may indicate that the computer system has been already affected by adware or other security threats. The misleading 'Please Install the New Video Player' message may be entitled 'Sponsorship' that may pertain to adware and other security threats. The fake 'Please Install the New Video Player' Pop-Up may occur on the computer when visiting advertising websites or genuine websites that have been hijacked.

Security infections associated with the fictitious 'Please Install the New Video Player' Pop-Up notification may alter the default start page, search service or a new tab window with untrustworthy websites, or continuously divert computer users to questionable websites such as a potentially unreliable video website If the computer user decides to download a file that, in truth, may be disguised as an update for a Video Player or Media Player by clicking on the link or button in the message, he may unknowingly agree to download and install more potentially unwanted programs or adware onto the PC.


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