Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 2
First Seen: April 23, 2024
Last Seen: April 25, 2024 is a search engine that is being promoted through the distribution of questionable browser extensions, which come packed with browser-hijacking functionalities. Once these extensions are installed, they tamper with the settings of users' Web browsers, redirecting all search queries through Typical signs of the presence of the browser hijacker on a computer include automatic redirection of search queries to unfamiliar Web addresses.

Browser Hijackers could Lead Users to Dubious and Unsafe Web Destinations

When users encounter redirects to, it's typically because their Web browsers have been hijacked by unwanted applications known as browser hijackers. These hijackers tamper with browser settings, forcing users to use a fake search engine like whenever they try to search. These fake search engines usually don't provide genuine search results.

It's crucial to note that Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) and browser hijackers promoting fake search engines may exploit legitimate browser features, such as the 'Managed by your organization' setting, which certain browsers support.

Fake search engines pose serious risks to users. They may lead users to malicious websites containing malware, phishing tactics, or fraudulent content, jeopardizing both their devices and personal information. Moreover, these fake search engines often infringe on user privacy by tracking and collecting browsing data without consent, potentially resulting in privacy breaches.

Therefore, users redirected to should inspect their list of installed applications and remove any browser hijackers or suspicious programs. Removing browser hijackers can be challenging due to their use of various persistence techniques to remain on the user's device.

Browser Hijackers Often Attempt to Get Installed Unnoticed by Users

Browser hijackers often employ shady distribution techniques to get installed unnoticed by users. Here are some common methods:

  • Bundling with Freeware: Browser hijackers are frequently bundled with free software downloads. Users may unknowingly agree to install the hijacker while installing legitimate software if they don't carefully read the installation prompts or opt-out options.
  • Deceptive Advertisements and Pop-ups: Hijackers may be promoted through deceptive online advertisements or pop-ups claiming to offer useful software updates, system optimizations, or other attractive offers. Users may click on these ads thinking they're legitimate, inadvertently installing the hijacker.
  • Fake Download Buttons: On certain websites, fake download buttons may be placed near legitimate software downloads. Users might click on these buttons, believing they're initiating the download for the desired software, but instead, they end up downloading and installing the browser hijacker.
  • Phishing Emails: Hijackers can be distributed through phishing emails that masquerade as legitimate messages from reputable sources, enticing users to click on fraudulent links or download attachments containing the hijacker.
  • Social Engineering Tactics: Some browser hijackers employ social engineering tactics, such as fake security alerts or warnings, to trick users into installing them. These alerts may claim that the user's system is infected and prompt them to download a supposed anti-malware software, which is actually the hijacker.

By using these underhanded methods, browser hijackers attempt to slip past users' defenses and get installed on their systems without raising suspicion. Users must stay vigilant and employ security measures such as using professional security software, being cautious while downloading and installing applications, and regularly updating their systems to mitigate the risk of browser hijacker infections.

URLs may call the following URLs:


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